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Museum of Broken Relationships - Indianapolis

This section highlights the evaluation work I and other students completed during our Museums and Audiences Spring 2023 course for an exhibit done on IUI's campus in collaboration with The Museum of Broken Relationships. It also highlights the work I did as a graduate Community Engagement Associate, which was a paid role under the same professor for that course and we continued the analysis part of that study. 

How I Contributed

  • Conducted 8 exhibit observations over the course of 5 weeks using timing and tracking techniques

  • Conducted 1 exit interview and collected at least 2 surveys

  • Conducted a program observation

  • Uploaded any data I collected into Google Sheets

  • Analyzed 43 surveys with two other students and produced a summative report

  • Helped edit all reports from the course so they had consistent fonts, headers, and graph visualization

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